Blackboard is a course management system for professors to put class materials on the Internet. It provides a variety of tools to facilitate teaching and learning. All online courses at MxCC use Blackboard course management system. All “on-ground" credit courses and some non-credit courses also use Blackboard as a supplemental tool to enhance face-to-face teaching. The basic features used in a Blackboard course include syllabus, folders, discussions, messages, announcements, grade book, tests, assignments, and calendar.
More information about Blackboard Learn can be found at Blackboard Overview.
1. System Requirements
- For browsers that are compatible with Blackboard, click here (under Blackboard ULTRA supported browsers).
2. Your NetID and password
3. Inability to access to the Blackboard course site
Within 7 days before the first day of a class starts, if you do not see your course listed on the Blackboard Courses page and you have officially registered the course more than 24 hours, contact the Distance Learning Department (Chapman College Library area), (860)-343-5756 or with your Name, student/Banner ID, course Title, Course Name, Course CRN you registered.
If your course is listed on the Blackboard Courses page, but when you click on it, you see the following message:
"Your instructor has denied access." You are currently denied access to your class by your instructor.
You should contact your instructor. To know who your course instructor is, log on to MyCTState at Click on Access Registration Dashboard under Student Self-Service. Click on View Registration Information. Click on your course title and select Instructor/Class Meeting. You will see your instructor's name. Highlight the instructor's email and select Copy. Log on to your college email - link in MyCTState. Create a new message. You will then paste the instructor's email to the "To" box. Type the message and send it to your instructor.
4. Reset your password
If you have trouble logging in with the NetID and password, you may reset your password using the following methods:
1. Reset on your own at
2. Call the MxCC IT Department at 860-343-5711 (Monday - Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm).
3. Visit MxCC IT department in Wheaton Hall, Room 304 with your photo ID (Monday - Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm).
4. Call the 24/7 technical help desk at 860-723-0221.