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Middlesex CJS 2940: Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice

Assignment Specifics - Educational Brochure

  • The brochure/presentation you prepare should be long enough to thoroughly explore your topic.
  • The brochure should include appropriate images that add to the educational content. Works cited should be included in the proper format.  All sources in the annotated bibliography must be references in the pamphlet.  Be sure to use your recent articles in the current research section.
  • It should be attractive, easy to read, grammatically correct, written for the lay person and have scientifically accurate content. The current research section (your research question) should be clearly identified and answered.
  • Observe all copyright and plagiarism guidelines (see web links included in Blackboard shell)
  • Return the rubric with your brochure with the self-evaluation completed.  Each student must complete their own project evaluation.

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