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Middlesex CJS 2940: Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice

Assignment Specifics - Create a Presentation


  • Students will present their research in a 15-20 minutes presentation.
  • Each presentation needs to include a visual aid such as PowerPoint.
  • Visual aids can include video clips – but no longer than 4 minutes worth of total video time.
  • Both partners must present equally and include time for their peers to ask questions.
  • Please see Presentation Grading rubric – students are expected to be enthusiastic, speak clearly, and maintain good posture and eye contact during the presentation.
  • Students must accurately present facts and data that support the topic being presented.


  • Students will present their research in an 8-10 Slide PowerPoint Presentation.
  • PowerPoints can include video clips – but no longer than 4 minutes worth of total video time.
  • Please see Presentation Grading rubric – students are expected to present the various aspects of their project and the information they gained while conducting research. 
  • Students must accurately present facts and data that support the topic being presented.
  • Student must not only present their PowerPoints on the Discussion Forum, but they must also respond to TWO of their classmates’ presentations.  The same grading requirements for the regular discussion forum will be applied to the presentation response posts.