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Middlesex Campus Library

Middlesex Educational Technology Training


CT State Community College Middlesex provides technology resources to keep students connected to the college and provide online support in various academic capacities. To access technology resources such as campus computers, wireless network, student email, MyCTState, Student Self-Service, Blackboard, and library online resource, you will need a NetID and password.  NetID is, if your NetID is not recognized, you can look it up here. First time logging on, go to and enter your NetID. Then click on Next.  On the password page, click on “Forgot my password”, and follow the prompts to create a new password.

Download the above Student Technology Resources .pdf file.
Tech Trail for Students – Live/Remote Technology Workshops for Students
Personal Technology Recommended to use college systems.


MyCTState is an entry point to access Student Self-Service, Student Email, and Blackboard. For example, MyCTState gives you access to registration, grades, transcripts, course search, course schedule, textbook, course evaluation, Blackboard courses, financial aid awards and history, billing records and history, and more!

To log on to MyCTState, go to and enter your NetID and password.

View the Video Instruction on How to Log onto

View MyCTState Videos


All credit courses and some non-credit courses at MxCC have an online course site supported by Blackboard System. All Middlesex online/hybrid courses are supported on Blackboard. On-ground professors also use Blackboard to host files (syllabus, PowerPoints, etc.), send class announcements and emails, and for submission of assignments and exams. Follow these steps to access your Blackboard classes using myCTState:

  • Go to  (If you experience errors in, use to access Blackboard.)
  • Login using your NetID and Password.
  • Click on the Blackboard link). Popup blockers need to be disabled.
  • You will be brought to the Blackboard Institution Page.
  • Click on Courses on the left panel.  Within seven days of your course starting, you will see the course listed and you are able to access the course.
  • Click on a course name, and you enter the course site.
  • To access another course, close out the current course by clicking on the X sign at the upper left corner.  Then click on a different course name.

Blackboard Mobile 

Blackboard Tutorials

Registered students are enrolled to Essential Skills for Attending Course Online/remotely. Students will learn Blackboard, MyCTState, College Email, and Office 365.

Student Self-Service

Located within MyCTState, Student Self-service allows students to access course schedules, textbook information, register for classes, view financial aid history, course evaluation, check final grades, and more. Sign into myCTStateunder Student Self-service, you will see a group of links. Click on Access Registration Dashboard, you will see a few links: Register for Classes, View Registration Information, Browse Courses

Logon to using your NetID and Password.

  • Under Student Self-Service, click on Access Registration Dashboard.
  • For Registration, click on Register for Classes.
  •  For Course Schedule/Textbook, click on View Registration Information. Click on a course title, you will see detailed information about the course: schedule, instructor, textbook, etc.
  •  TBA for final Grades, transcripts, and course evaluation.

Click Logout (upper right) to exit from the web site.

College Email

Upon registration, you will receive an official college email address ( that will be used for all college-based communications.

To access your college email, (The alternative address for college email is

  • Go to
  • Enter your NetID ( and password, click on Login.
  • Once you are in MyCTState, scroll down and look for “College Email” card and click on “Office 365/Email”.
  •  You will see the Email Window in Office 365.  

* Please be aware that all college-based communications will use your student college email. Please check your college email regularly. 

For assistance with student emails, go to or call 860-723-0221 (24/7)

Office 365 Advantage Program (

Office 365

Office 365, a suite of online services are available to all registered students.

  • Office 365 Email: Email account with 25 GB (gigabytes) of storage, calendar, contact info, to-do lists, etc.
  • Office 365 ProPlus: The Office suite including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote which you can install on up to 5 devices including Macs, PCs, and tablets with Android, Windows, and even iPads and iPhones.
  • MS Teams: Instant messaging, online audio and video calls and online meetings, screen sharing, and integration with Office apps such as Outlook, Word, and PowerPoint. If your professor uses MS Teams to offer class sessions, you will be added to a class team. More information about how to use MS Teams can be found at MS Teams FAQs.
  • OneDrive for Business: Store, sync, and share your files online. As part of Office 365, OneDrive for Business provides 1TB of online storage, lets you update and share your files from anywhere, and work collaboratively on Office documents with others at the same time.

You can access Office 365 two different ways:

For MxCC students, you can download MS Office Applications for free of charge.  Logon on to with your NetID and password.  Click on the app launcher icon Office app Launch at upper left corner. click on Install and More (upper right) and select Install Microsoft 365 app .  You will then follow the step-by-step instruction to install MS Office Applications to your computer.

Additional information can be found on the Office 365 Support Site.

Library Research Help

Every Middlesex student and instructor is enrolled in the Blackboard course - MxCC Library Research Help where you can find:

  • How to access the library resources from home
  • Information about library services for distance learners
  • Online research tutorials
  • How to contact the library for help

Here’s how to access:

  • Login at with NetID and password.
  • Click on the Blackboard icon. Popup blockers need to be disabled. You will be brought to Blackboard Institution Page. Click on Courses.
  • Click on MxCC  Library Research Help. The Library Research Help is available around a week before a semester starts.

WebEx Conferencing System

WebEx is a video conferencing platform that allows you to join an online meeting for a class or a training workshop. To join a WebEx meeting, the host will send you an access link to the virtual meeting room. Before the meeting starts, click on the access link, type your name and email, and click on Join Meeting. You will have an option to either install the WebEx Add-on to the browser or run a temporary app. Then you will arrive at the meeting room.  You will need a microphone for audio. We recommend you use trusted brand of headsets – Plantronics or Logitech with USB connection. For video, your computer should have a built-in camera or an attached webcam.

The following instructions guide you through how to prepare for joining a meeting using your desktop or laptop computer.

How to Join a WebEx Video Meeting

WebEx Setup Help

Mac users: WebEx Setup Help

You may download a WebEx app to your mobile device and join the meeting using the app.

How to join a WebEx Meeting from an iOS Mobile Device – iPhone or iPad

How to Join a WebEx meeting from an Android Mobile Device

Free Online Tutoring

Stuck on a math problem? Need an expert to help you with your research paper? Having trouble with your homework?
Online Tutoring can help! And, it’s FREE! Online Tutoring is available in Math and English. You may schedule an online tutoring session with our tutors via MS Teams.  Visit the MxCC Academic Success Center (Click on the Middlsex tab under Services by Campus.) for more information about online tutoring services.

Campus Computers & Secure Wireless Access

Computer labs are available on the Middletown campus and the Platt High School Media Center. Computer lab hours are determined on a semester basis. Open hours are posted in labs. Computers can be used by any student who has an active NetID and Password.


  • Wheaton 305- Open Computer Lab with PCs and Macs
  • Snow 412 – Open Mac Lab
  • Library/Learning Commons-Open access area with PCs and Macs and classrooms as posted.

All buildings in Middletown campus have a secured wireless network that requires you to log on with your NetID and password.  You may use your laptops or mobile devices in any buildings.


  • PC labs in the Library Media Center

Pegasus Green -Learning Space in the College Library

Located in the college library, Pegasus Green is a learning space with six rooms supported by Connecticut Board of Regents’ 21st Century Classroom Funds. Its purpose is to provide physical and virtual learning environments for faculty, students, and staff to encourage collaborations, explore emerging technologies, and inspire academic excellence. Equipped with modern technologies, the rooms maybe used by groups or individuals in developing and rehearsing presentations, video recording and production, virtual orientations, training and tutoring, web conferencing, and overall green initiatives.

To book a room, contact a library staff at the library front desk, email to, or call 860-343-5830.  For detailed room features, please go to Pegasus Green site.