Middlesex provides technology resources to keep faculty connected to the college and offers online support in various capacities. Faculty use NetID (firstname.lastname@ctstate.edu) and password to log on to campus computers as well as access campus secured wireless network, MyCTState, Faculty Self-Service, Blackboard Learn, library databases, Office 365 (College Email, MS Teams, OneDrive), and WebEx. If you encounter a problem using NetID and password, you may visit this page for troubleshooting or contact CT State Middlesex IT help desk at 860-343 -5711.
Visit the my.ctstate.edu page for more information on your NetID and password.
MyCTState is an entry point to access Faculty/Student Self-Service, Blackboard, Library Databases, and college Email. MyCTState gives you access to:
* view teaching schedule, class rosters, and student information,
* send email to students in your courses,
* check your college email,
* use Blackboard for courses,
* view course evaluation result,
* access library databases from off-campus and more!
To log on to myCTState, go to my.ctstate.edu and enter your NetID (firstname.lastname@ctstate.edu) and password. If you have never logged on to a campus computer or my.ctstate.edu, on the password page, enter your NetID and click on Next. Then click on Forgot My Password. Follow the prompts to create a new password. The new password MUST have 8 or more characters and satisfy 3 of the 4 rules as follows: Upper case, Lower case, Numbers, and Special character. Having trouble logging on? Click here for help.
View the Video Instruction on How to Logon My.ctstate.edu
Each credit course has a “course shell” on the Blackboard, the college’s online learning management system. Blackboard is used for fully online, hybrid, and on-ground courses to provide students with syllabus, lecture notes, announcements, messages, gradebook, and tests. You will access your Blackboard course by signing in to My.ctstate.edu and then clicking on the Blackboard link (in the middle-center of the page). Then you will see the Blackboard Institution Page. Click on the Courses link on the left panel. To view more courses, select a semester under Term and then click on a course name to enter the course. Faculty can use Blackboard Collaborate Ultra to deliver a live/remote online class (LRON) or do virtual office hours. The Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool can be accessed by clicking on the Virtual Classroom link on the Course Menu in a Blackboard course shell.
Blackboard training is available by clicking on Institution Page – scroll down, below Faculty Resources. Training workshops in Blackboard are offered throughout the year. For the schedule, visit Technology Training. The video instructions on how to work in Blackboard are available here. Blackboard Mobile provides you information on how to use Blackboard on mobile devices.
Faculty Self-service enables faculty to access rosters, class information, and enter grades. Sign into myCTState to access Faculty Self-service. Under Faculty Self-Service, click on the View Class Roster. You will see the courses you are assigned to teach. Click on the number of enrolled students, you will see the students. Click on a student's name, you will see more information about the student. To email to all or one student, select all students or a student, click on the email icon to open up MS Outlook. To download a roster, click on the Export icon at the upper corner of the page. To enter midterm or final grade, on the my.ctstate.edu home page, click on Enter Grade on Faculty Self-Service card.
- view class roster, check faculty schedule, download/print a roster, enter final grades, and more.
While on a teaching contract with CT State Community College Middlesex, you are issued a college email account. Your email address is firstname.lastname@ctstate.edu. For example, if your name is Jane Smith, your email address would be jane.smith@ctstate.edu. It is expected that you check this account regularly to ensure you receive college communications. There are three ways to check your email:
(1) Open a web browser such as Google Chrome, go to https://portal.office.com. Enter your NetID (firstname.lastname@ctstate.edu) and password. When logging on for the first time, you may be asked to choose a time zone.
(2) Log on to a campus computer with your NetID and password. Open Microsoft Outlook.
(3) Log on to my.ctstate.edu using your NetID and password, click on Office 365/Email link.
Office 365, a suite of online services are available to all faculty, staff, and students.
You can access Office 365 in two different ways:
WebEx is a video/audio conferencing platform that allows faculty to host an online meeting for a class or virtual office hours. You will log on to WebEx at ctedu.webex.com using your NetID and Password. To host an online meeting, we recommend you use a trusted brand of headsets – Plantronics or Logitech with a USB connection. For video feed, your computer needs to have a built-in camera or an attached webcam.
To learn how to use WebEx to host a meeting, here are the tutorials:
Technology Workshops and some college events hosted at Middlesex are facilitated via WebEx. The following instructions guide you through how to prepare for joining workshops or meetings using your desktop or laptop computer.
You may download a WebEx app to your mobile device and join the meeting using the app.
Middlesex students and instructors are enrolled in the Blackboard course MxCC – Library – Research Help. Here you can find:
– How to access the library resources from home
– Information about library services for distance learners
– Online research tutorials
– How to contact the library for help.
– Here’s how to access: Login at my.ctatate.edu with NetID and password.
– Click on the Blackboard icon. Popup blockers need to be disabled. Click on Courses.
– Click on MxCC – Library – Research Help.
Computer labs are available on the Middletown campus and Platt High School Media Center. Computer lab hours are determined on a semester basis. Open hours are posted in the labs. Computers can be used by any faculty member who has an active NetID and password.
Wheaton 305- Open Computer Lab with PCs and Macs
Chapman Learning Commons (college library) – Open Lab with PCs and Macs. Open Access Area with PC’s and Macs, and Classroom as posted.
All buildings in Middletown campus have a secured wireless network that requires you to log on with your NetID and password. You may use your laptops or mobile devices in any buildings.
Located in the college library, Pegasus Green is a learning space with six rooms supported by Connecticut Board of Regents’ 21st Century Classroom Funds. Its purpose is to provide physical and virtual learning environments for faculty, students, and staff to encourage collaborations, explore emerging technologies, and inspire academic excellence. Equipped with modern technologies, the rooms maybe used by groups or individuals in developing and rehearsing presentations, video recording and production, virtual orientations, training and tutoring, web conferencing, and overall green initiatives.
To book a room, contact a library staff at the library front desk, email to mx-library@ctstate.edu, or call 860-343-5830. For detailed room features, please go to Pegasus Green site.