... "the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning." -- Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL's) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, 2015
Basic Library Instruction
An introduction to the library and its resources, as well as a general overview of the research process. For ENG1010 classes, this may include choosing a topic, developing a search strategy, finding books and articles, evaluating websites, avoiding plagiarism, and using proper citation.
Specialized Library Instruction
Each session will cover information literacy skills appropriate to students’ subject knowledge and research experience, and can be customized to the course assignment. For subject-specific courses, librarians will build on information literacy skills acquired in ENG1010 (if applicable) and help students identify and use discipline-specific resources and citation styles.
Research-Only Session
Instructional librarians are available to attend class sessions in the library instruction classroom to assist students working on research projects.
Single Topic Workshops
Each workshop focuses on a specific skill set, from advanced searching techniques to tips for identifying quality sources. In the past, the Middlesex librarians have offered "Intro to Your Library", "Beyond Wikipedia", "How to Read Scholarly Journals", and "Bibliography Boot Camp". Faculty members identify the need and contact the library to schedule a workshop during a regular class period or at another agreed-upon time (extra credit for attendance). We are happy to work with you in developing a workshop idea for your class.