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Quinebaug Valley Campus Library

Quinebaug Valley SPAN 1011 - 1022 Elementary Spanish I and II

This page will help guide you through the process of finding research for your: Latin American Country, Dia de Los Muertos, and Latin American or Spanish Language Poet Assignments.

Assignment Details

View detailed instructions for each phase of the Latin American Country assignment in Blackboard, in the Assignment/Tareas folder. 

  • SPANISH 1011:  See "Assignments/Tareas" in Blackboard, and open "Lección 1" for an overview of the project, your country assignment, and information about finding a game or sport that defines or expresses your country's culture; see Lección 4 for details about the mid-semester outline and citations and to submit the mid-semester assignments.
  • SPANISH 1022:  See Lección 5 for an overview of the project, your country assignment, and information about finding a game or sport that defines or expresses your country's culture; see Lección 7 for details about the mid-semester outline and citation forms and to submit the mid-semester assignments.

Your Country: Facts & Background

REQUIRED: Use at least ONE of these sources!  Either the Credo or the CIA World Factbook. Activate the navigation tabs in this box for more information.

When accessing a database from an off- campus location you will be prompted to enter your CT State ID . This is your name combined with the @symbol and the domain


This is the same username and password you use to log into MyCTState & Blackboard.

BEST source for Facts & Background

Your Country: Official Websites

RECOMMENDED: Use at least ONE of these sources!  Either the Ministry of Tourism OR the Embassy.  Activate the navigation tabs in this box for more information.

What is an Embassy?

An embassy is located right in the heart of the capital city of the receiving state, and it is headed by an ambassador, and houses the offices where representatives work.  The reason why embassies are located in the capital city is to make them easily accessible to their citizens in case of an emergency, such as during a war. All the main diplomatic talks between two countries are held in embassies especially when the discussions involve sensitive matters like wars and trade. The ambassador plays a substantial role in all of this as he/she is the spokesperson of the foreign country. Their work is to protect the interests of their land in the receiving country as well as acting as the intermediaries during negotiations. They report directly to their presidents back at home. (

Using Google or your favorite search engine search for Name of Country ] embassy United States. Look at the results carefully.  

Choose your country's embassy in the United States.  Here you will find official information about your country, published by that country's government, and in the English-language. Gather the information needed to cite this source.

The Ministry of Tourism strengthens, preserves, and conserves the art, culture, and heritage of  a country. 

Using Google or your favorite Internet search engine search for  [ Name of Country ] Ministry of Tourism. 

Look at the results list carefully to be sure you use the official ministry website.  Get official marketing information about unique places, cultural events, attractions, and unique traditions. You will often find lots of colorful images here as well.

Gather the information needed to cite this source.

Database Suggestions


For your assignment, you have been asked to choose one unique tradition for your country. 

The links below have been reviewed by QV Librarian and can be used for this section of  your assignment.  Don't forget to cite your sources.

Possibile Traditions

See also the games-of-the-world books on "reserve" for this class in the library. Use the contact options (see the box on the bottom-right on this page) to ask library staff for access.


See also the sports-of-the-world books on "reserve" for this class in the library. Use the contact options (see the box on the bottom-right on this page) to ask library staff for access.

You may find information on folk art and craft traditions in your country research, especially the Ministry of Tourism or the encyclopedias.

See also the world folk art books on "reserve" for this class in the library. Use the contact options (see the box on the bottom-right on this page) to ask library staff for access.

OTHER TRADITIONS?  You are welcome to choose another type of tradition that represents the culture of your assigned country.

Your Country: Tourist Destinations & Local Festivals

TRAVEL SITES: You might want to look for legitimate travel websites for information and images. Be sure to verify what you find--compare the information and images with what you see on official government websites, the CIA World Factbook, or encyclopedia resources.