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Gateway Campus Library


Gateway Educational Technology

Media/AV Services

Multimedia Production
Educational Technology can assist faculty and staff with educational, and non-commercial informational/promotional multimedia/video production projects.

The Educational Technology staff has extensive multimedia production skills including both field and studio-based videography, editing, audio production, digital imaging and media authoring. We support many applications including the following:

  • Adobe Premiere
  • Camtasia Studio 8/9
  • Adobe AfterEffects
  • Microsoft Moviemaker
  • Audacity

Educational Technology can videotape campus events as requested in advance by faculty and staff. Requests for event recording must be submitted by email at least two weeks in advance of the event to ensure that adequate personnel and equipment is available. The person requesting the event recording must specify the exact campus location, date, and time of the event to be videotaped. If a guest speaker or lecturer is involved, the requester must secure a written video recording release from the speaker.

Legacy Media: Duplication and Conversion

Duplication is a way to back up audio-visual data or distribute it among a number of people, while conversion is an important way of ensuring content stored on older formats doesn’t expire with age.

Converting: To VHS To CD To DVD To Digital Format
From VHS Yes Yes Yes
From Mini DV (camcorder) Yes Yes
From CD Yes Yes
From DVD Yes Yes
From Digital Format Yes Yes Yes