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Quinebaug Valley Campus Library


About the Quinebaug Valley Library

Confidentiality of Library Records


In accordance with the State of Connecticut’s policy on Confidentiality of Library Records [CT Statutes Chapter 190, Title 11, Sections 11-25 (b)] and Personal Data [CT Statutes Chapter 55, Title 4, Sections 4-190 through 4-193], the QVCC Library has adopted the following policy:

Information collected by any unit of the QVCC Library, relating to the use of collections and/or services by an individual Library patron, is confidential. 

Personal information is compiled in Library records and files for the following purposes:

  • To maintain information as to the location/availability of materials.
  • To maintain records for the assignment of replacement costs when materials are not returned to the library.
  • To compile aggregate use statistics in regard to collections and/or services.
  • To assess impact of library services using anonymized and aggregated data.

When reporting information on replacement costs owed to the library for materials borrowed and not returned, library staff provide to college business office staff only the charges to be applied to a user’s account. 

Access to an individual’s files is available to the user him/her/themself. Access to individual files by any other party, including library staff who have “no need to know,” other QV staff, other state or federal employees, or other Library users is prohibited. Library staff are not authorized to provide any information concerning an individual’s use of collections or services to anyone other than the user or to other library staff who need such information in the performance of their assigned duties.

Requests for exceptions to this policy must be made to the Director of Library Services. Such requests must be in writing and must state the specific purpose for which information is being requested. Requests by law enforcement officials must be in the form of an official subpoena or court order and must be made to the Director of Library Services, who will consult with appropriate campus, College and System administrators.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) also protects a student’s privacy with regards to any personal information contained in the integrated library management system. This includes but is not limited to any overdue fines or replacement and processing fees on lost or damaged items. If a student wishes to have another individual, such as a parent, make restitution for fines or fees, a consent form must be completed and on file with the library.

Disclosure of any personal information as protected by both the State of Connecticut’s policy and FERPA will only be authorized in compliance with the presentation by an official of a city, state or federal law enforcement agency of a lawfully issued subpoena or court order. The agent will be informed that the subpoena will need to be presented to the Library Director, who will consult with appropriate College administrators.