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Asnuntuck Campus Library

About Asnuntuck Campus Library

Loaner Laptops


Laptops are available to loan to CT State Community College students enrolled in at least one Asnuntuck course (traditional, hybrid, or online).

Laptops are available on a first-come first-served basis. They cannot be reserved in advance. The library can loan one laptop per student as long as supplies last.

When there are no more laptops available, the Library will keep a prioritized waitlist and will contact students as additional laptops become available. Students from the waitlist will have a limited window of time in which to claim a laptop before it is offered to the next student on the waitlist.

How to Request and Pick-up

Laptops are requested through the Laptop Request Form. Students who are eligible for a loaner laptop will be emailed the details for scheduling a laptop pick-up appointment. Neither laptop requests nor laptop pick-up appointments are available on a walk-in basis.

Laptops must be picked up in person by the student at the Asnuntuck Library during the library’s operating hours. Laptops may not be picked up by family members or other proxies. The pick-up appointment will take approximately 20 minutes. To set up the laptop the student must come prepared with their ID number and the password associated with it. If the password need to be reset, this must be done at least an hour before the pick-up appointment.

Loan Period and Renewal

The standard loan period for laptops is one semester. For students enrolled in a Continuing Education program, the loan period shall be for the length of the program.

It is up to the student to renew a laptop by contacting the library by phone, email, or chat. Students will receive a reminder email and follow up phone call when the laptop is due back to the library, as a courtesy. A laptop that is kept beyond its due date without request for renewal will be considered overdue.

Laptops may be renewed for the following semester prior to the end of the current semester. Students need to provide proof of class enrollment for the upcoming semester in order to renew. Laptop loans may be extended/renewed through two consecutive semesters.

Damaged or Overdue Laptops

Students who borrow a library laptop will sign a document asserting that they will be responsible for the condition of the laptops and associated items (chargers, USB, webcams etc.) while they are checked out to the student. If the laptop is returned damaged or incomplete, repair or replacement fees may be assessed to the student.

If the laptop is not returned at all, a hold will be placed on the student’s account until the laptop is returned. After the laptop is six months overdue, the student’s account will be billed for the replacement fee listed on the borrowing documentation. Replacement fees are generally $500 - $2,500.

How to Return

All laptops must be returned in person to the Asnuntuck Library, Rm. 119 on CT State Community College-Asnuntuck Campus located at 170 Elm Street, Enfield CT. Students who return a library laptop will receive a copy of a signed document affirming the return of the laptop in good condition for their records.

Laptops may NOT be returned in the mail, in the library drop box or at any other service desk on campus, including the security desk. Laptops may be returned by family members or other proxies, but the proxy person will need to sign the document affirming the return of the laptop in good condition on the student’s behalf.

Student Data

Students are required to save their data to a personal flash drive or cloud storage (OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.). Any data saved to the laptop’s desktop or local drive will be deleted once the laptop is returned. This is also good practice to safeguard against loss in the case of a laptop malfunction. The library does not assume responsibility for user’s data.