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Middlesex Distance Learning

Your Path for Success

The credit online classes are supported on the Blackboard Learn course management system and run throughout a regular semester during spring, summer, fall, and winter semesters. Financial aid is available for students to take credit online courses. Online students enjoy the same academic support services as students taking campus classes.

In partnership with Ed2Go, Middlesex also offers 400+ non-credit Career Training Programs and 800+ non-credit online courses. Non-credit career training online programs usually last 3–12 months starting immediately after you sign up. Non-credit online courses start on the third Wednesday of the month and last for six weeks.

You can take an online class 24/7—anywhere, anytime without coming to our campuses.

CT State Community College -Middlesex has been approved to participate in the State Authorization Reciprocal Agreements (SARA) with National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).

News Alert

  • Registration of Spring 2025 online courses is on-going.  Students can register in-person or online.
  • Spring 2025 semester starts on January 24th.  After registering an online/hybrid/live remote online course, please click here to learn how to get started with online learning.
  • Non-credit courses start on the third Wednesday of the month and last for six weeks. Click here for course catalog, registration, and login information.
  • An online Career Training program can start at anytime and lasts 3–9 months upon registration. Click here for more information.
  • Are you ready for learning online? Take the SmarterMeasure test to find out.
  • SNEAK PEAK: Get an inside look at a Middlesex online class (video).

Log Onto Online Courses

  1. Open a web browser (e.g. Google Chrome).
  2. Go to 
  3. Enter your NetID and password, click Login.

NetID:; if your NetID does not work, click here to check.
Password: Use the same password to log into a campus computer at any of 12 Connecticut community colleges. If you have never logged onto a campus computer, on the password page, click on “Forgot My Password”.  Follow the prompts to create a new password. Having trouble logging on? Click here for help.

4. Access Blackboard (Alternative access:

Once you are in, click on the Blackboard link. If you experience an error, clear your browser history/cache, restart the browser (or computer), and try again.  You will be on the Institution Page. Click on the Courses link on the left panel. Seven days before the first day of a course, students will see their registered course at the Courses page. Click on the course title, you will see help contact, orientation, and tutorials. To go to another course, close out the current course page, and click on the course title.  To avoid a timeout message, once you are on Blackboard, you will log out myCTState (pull the Main Menu icon at the upper left corner and select Logout at the bottom of the menu.)

View Video Instruction on How to Log on to Blackboard.

Recommended personal technology for Students and Faculty

logout instruction

Trouble Log-on

1. When you experience errors in, you may use the alternative addresses to access your college email or Blackboard courses.

Alternative address to access your college email is

Alternative address to access Blackboard is

Scheduled downtime will be posted at login page or on the Blackboard - Institution Page.

2. If you cannot log onto MyCTState at, there are TWO things you can do.

ONE – Verify Your NetID and Password

In many cases, our users have mistyped their NetID or password. Be sure to type your NetID correctly as: Example:

If your NetID does not work, click here to look up your NetID. 

Verify the password you have created before.

Two – Create a New Password or a Reset Password

If you have never logged on to or on a campus computer at any of 12 Connecticut community colleges, enter your NetID and click on Next. On the password page, click on Forgot my password.  Follow the prompt to create a new password on your own.

You may go directly to this site to reset your password.

Call Technical Support Center at 860-723-0221 at any time. This help center runs 24/7 – For Students and Faculty


Stop by the following offices with your Photo ID (student ID or Driver’s license) or call the following numbers to have your password reset within the office hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.

  • IT Department: Wheaton Hall, Middletown Campus, 860-343-5711

– Due to FERPA regulations, students should contact us directly for technical assistance.

Technology Help

Should you encounter technical difficulty in working with Blackboard or, contact MxCC Distance Learning using one of the following methods during the office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.

Call (860) 343 - 5756
Email to
Stop by the Distance Learning in Chapman 701B/C, Middletown Campus

Outside MxCC Distance Learning office hours, contact the technical support center:

Ticket Submission: Log in with your ID and password and use “Ask a Question”
Phone860-723-0221 24/7.

Reset Password 

(1) Reset password on your own at

(2) Stop by the following offices with your photo ID or call the following offices (Mon-Fri, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm) to get your password reset.

  • IT Service, Wheaton Hall 304, 860-343–5711

(3) Call the support center at (860) – 723 -0221 at any time.

Blackboard and Mobile Devices

Blackboard Learn App
We recommend students and faculty use Blackboard mobile app only for viewing and reviewing information.

How to log into Blackboard Learn mobile app

  1. Make sure your mobile device (smart phone or smart tablet) is connected to Internet via WiFi or 5G/LTE. If you are on campus, log into the “ConnSCU” WiFi with your NetID and password (When prompted, choose ConnSCU WiFi, enter your Banner ID and password).
  2. Search for “Blackboard” app on your mobile device. Download and install the Blackboard app on your mobile device.
  3. Open the app.
  4. From the Institution drag-down menu, select “CT State Community Colleges“. Click on “Web Login” button at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Type your NetID ( and Password, and click on “Sign In”.

Mobile device browsers (Safari, Chrome, etc.)
Do not use mobile devices (e.g. Smartphones -iPhone, Android, etc.; Tablet PCs – iPad) to submit any course assignments (e.g. discussions, email, assignment drop boxes, online tests, etc.) since Blackboard is not fully compatible with mobile devices. You may be able to browse information in your online courses with a mobile device.

Have an alternative plan to access the Internet in case you have technical difficulty at home.  You may check out a laptop from MxCC college library or use a computer in MxCC college library, an MxCC lab, local library, or at a local school or friend/relative’s home.

Blackboard Mobile FAQs
For more information and Frequently Asked Questions about the Blackboard Mobile application, please visit–and BOOKMARK– Mobile Learn

Phone Contact

Frequently-Requested Phone Numbers & Emails

Admissions & Enrollment
Phone       Email 
Admissions 860-343-5719/ 866-526-6008 (toll-free)
Advising 860-343-5826
Records/Registrar 860.343.5724
Payment & Billing
Business Office 860.343.5729
Financial Aid 860.343.5741
Technology Help
Blackboard/myCTState (Technical Support Center for Students and Faculty) 1.860.723.0221 (24/7)      
Distance Learning/Educational Technology 860.343.5756
Information Technology 860.343.5711      
Academic Support
Bookstore 860.346.4490
Library 860.343.5830
Academic Success Center 860.343.5770      
Academic Testing 860.343.5785 
Student Support
Counseling Center 860.343.5826      
Career Development 860.343.5826      
Student Activities 860.343.5764      
Workforce Development 860.343.5865      
Middletown 860.343.5800 or 800.818.5501      
Meriden 203.235-0774      