Is online learning suitable for you?
Are you ready for learning online?
Are you best prepared for online learning?
1. Watch our video about SmarterMeasure. (length: 2:35) Video text transcript.
2. Take a SmarterMeasure test to find out.
Go to and log in with:
- Username: In the username drop down menu:
- For Spring 2025 students, choose mxccSpring2025
- For Summer 2025 students, choose mxccSummer2025
- For Fall 2025 students, choose mxccFall2025
- Password: mxccstudent
Click here for help if you are unable to log in or have technical issues when taking the SmarterMeasure test.
SmarterMeasure is a self-diagnostic tool that assesses students’ likelihood for succeeding in learning online. It indicates the degree to which an individual student possesses attributes, skills, and knowledge that contribute to success in online learning, including: self-motivation, time-management skills, self-discipline, reading comprehension, availability of time, ability to use computer and accessories, typing speed and accuracy.
The test will take about 30 minutes to complete. It is critically important that you answer all questions in the test. An incomplete test is considered as a “failure” of the test. Upon completing the test, you will see a report showing the results in six areas: life factors, reading comprehension, technical skills, individual attributes, learning styles, and typing speed and accuracy. Review your results carefully and identify weaknesses (lower than a cut point shown in the Chart of Readiness Ranges) in your skills. In the end of the report, online resources are provided to help you improve your skills.
For students who are interested in taking an online course but have not registered, if your results indicate an extreme weakness (lower than a cut point in the Chart of Readiness Ranges, red bar in the report chart.) , please contact distance learning staff at or 860-343-5756 for advice on whether you should register an online course.
For students who have already registered an online class, if your results indicate a weakness (lower than a cut point in the Chart of Readiness Range, green or red bar in the report chart), you are strongly encouraged to attend a live real-time orientation scheduled in the first week of a semester. If you are unable to attend an on-campus orientation, you MUST go over the online orientation to get yourself well prepared for learning online.
The following chart provides you with Readiness Ranges to determine weaknesses or strengths in test results. Scores received lower than a cut point in either Green or Red are considered weakness. For instance, if you receive 65 in Life Factors, this area is considered weak.