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Middlesex Distance Learning

Getting Started with Online Learning

Seven days before a course starts, registered students will see their online courses listed on the Courses page on Blackboard. Students may be able to view the course site with orientation, help information, and some course content. The most updated information at an online course site will be available on the FIRST day. Unless instructed by your professor, before the first day of a course, please do not complete any assignments or print, download, and save any files from the course site. Some online courses have special requirements such as using access codes, special devices, etc.  Within sven days before a course starts, students should go to the course Blackboard site to review and verify possible special requirements on the course syllabus.

Preparation Steps

All registered online students MUST follow the step-by-step instructions below to get ready before the first day of your online classes.  Students registered LRON (Live/Remote Online Courses) courses also need to visit Live Remote Online Courses for more information.

1. Take the SmarterMeasure Self-Assessment Test

As a new online student at MxCC, the first thing you should do is to take the self-assessment test to evaluate your online learning readiness. To Take the test, go to and logon.  Click on Login as First Time User tab.  Check the SmarterMeasure Test page for more detailed information.

Username: In the username drop down menu, choose the according semester username:
Winter 2024 studentschoose mxccWinter2024
Spring 2025 studentschoose mxccSpring2025

Password: mxccstudent

2. Log Onto Your Online Class

Go to Use your NetID and password to logon. Once you are in, click on the Blackboard link. Once you are on Blackboard, click on the Courses link on the left panel.  Your course will be shown 7 days before the course starts.  For more information about logon, visit Logon to Online Courses.

3. Test Your College Email

Go to, log on with your NetID and password.   Once you are in, scroll down and click on the Office 365/Email link under College Email cardYou will see the emails in the Inbox. You may also log on to your college email via  Use the same NetID and password – second authentication will be needed.

 4. Prepare for your Computer, Internet Connection, and Browser

a. Click here for the system requirements for and Blackboard.
b. Click here for checking out your browser and the system requirements with Blackboard.  

Prior to the first day of class, you need to make sure your computer, Internet connection, and browser are ready for taking an online course with Blackboard via You need to have regular access to a recent-model computer which MUST have a high-speed (DSL, cable modem, etc.) Internet connection. All pop-up blockers need to be turned off, and additional firewalls need to be disabled.

Do not use mobile devices (e.g. Smartphones – iPhone, Android, etc.; Tablets – iPad, Chromebook, etc.) to submit any course assignments (e.g. discussions, email, assignment drop boxes, online tests, etc.) since Blackboard is not fully compatible with mobile devices. You may be able to browse information in your online courses with a mobile device.

5. Verify the Course CRN, Starting and Ending dates, and Payment Information

  1. Within seven days prior to the first day of your course, when you are on the Courses page on Blackboard, check closely the course five-digit Course Reference Number (CRN) to make sure that it is the course that you meant to register. To check the correct CRN for all courses, logon to and under Student Self-Service click on Access Registration Dashboard and then click on View Registration Information. Select the current semester. The CRN is listed for a course. If the CRN on the registered class list does not match the CRN shown on the Courses page, contact your academic advisor or Registrar’s Office (860-343-5724) immediately.
  2. The starting and ending date of some online courses may vary. After you register a course, you will need to verify the dates to make sure the dates work for your schedule.
  3. Upon registering an online class, payment needs to be in place or arranged. If payment or arrangement is not done, you will be dropped off the class. If you are on Financial Aid from CT State Community College, you MUST ensure that your financial aid application has been processed before registration. If your online course is taken off the Courses page, please contact the Registrar’s Office (860-343-5724) immediately.

6. Learn Basic Features in Blackboard

Before the first day of a course, all first time online/hybrid/LRON students at MxCC are REQUIRED to go through the Orientation for New Online Students. Online students in need of personal assistance of learning Blackboard basic features and obtaining success tips can attend a live real-time orientation session offered around the beginning of a semester. Click here for the orientation schedule. The basic tools used in an online/hybrid/LRON class may include Announcement, CalendarMail, Discussions, Assignment (dropbox), Tests, and Grades. We recommend students learn Blackboard by going through Blackboard tutorials before starting your class. 

7. Purchase your Textbooks

Unless specified by your professor, online classes use textbooks as you would for on-ground classes. As soon as you register to an online class, visit the MxCC bookstore or call (860-346-4490) to obtain information about what textbook will be used for the course. You may purchase the textbook online from the MxCC bookstore web site. At this site, select a Term (semester), Department, CourseCRN, and click on Submit. Proceed to purchase the textbook if you wish to order it online. Please be aware that it might take a full week or more to receive your textbooks ordered online or via phone.

Some of our online courses may require textbooks with a special access code, and purchasing your textbook with an access code through the bookstore is the only way to assure that you will receive the correct textbook and access code. 

8. Technical Help

When you encounter difficulty on Blackboard or, contact the technical support.

9. Recommended

Bookmark MxCC Distance Learning site for news alert, technical help contact, and all other information regarding online courses.