The Norwalk Campus Library is a dynamic and engaging space for students and we are constantly working to improve the student, faculty, and staff experience. See the slides below for a sampling of some of the many projects and activities the library worked on and participated in over the past year to make the library a better place for everyone.
In October 2022 the Child Development Lab School visited the library for a storytime. Our librarians selected and read 3 children's books from our collection and engaged the young learners with songs, stories, questions, and coloring!
The library held our first bi-annual Destress for Success event during the week leading up to fall semester finals. We collaborated with the Tutoring Center, Student Activities, and the Career Center to provide writing, citation, and study support, along with snacks and stress-relieving activities and giveaways.
Beginning in Summer 2022, library staff worked on converting to a new security system and method of checking out library materials using RFID technology. This involved installing new physical equipment (gates, self-service kiosks, etc.) and software, weeding our collection to make room for new materials, tagging our collection of approximately 63,000 physical items, and training staff on new procedures. As of the start of the Spring 2023 semester, nearly all work has been accomplished and the systems are up and running. Only a few shelves of books remain to be tagged.
One of our librarians participated in the Common Read committee, helping to select the Fall 2022 Common Read book, Girl Decoded, creating a guide supporting the teaching and use of the book in the classroom, and organizing and hosting a creative reflection writing workshop during the Common Read Week in October.
In May 2022 for Asian-American / Pacific Islander Heritage Month the library set up a display of artwork collected from children all over the world ages 12 – 18 as part of a project recognizing the Chinese Americans and Canadians who helped build the railroads in the U.S. and Canada. You can learn more about this project and see the images displayed by checking out the book 100 Years of Chinese Immigration in the United States and Canada.
Our most popular book display during the fall 2022 semester was a sampling of banned and challenged books available in the library collection, along with the reasons people tried to ban them. This display was made in celebration of Banned Books Week (September 18 -24), which is an annual celebration supporting the freedom to read, and was up for an entire month due to its popularity with students, faculty, and staff. To learn more about Banned Books Week see the ALA page on Banned Books.
The Everett I. L. Baker Library supports the college’s mission and commitment to student success.
The library provides access to information and expert support for the students, faculty and staff of CT State Community College at the Norwalk Campus, as well as the community at large in a diverse and inclusive environment where users come to study, share ideas, and learn.
2024 Norwalk Community College Stats
The following data is from the Spring 2024 Enhanced Census Report for Norwalk Community College.
(full-time students)
The following data is a compilation of internal library statistics from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2024 as reported on our annual ACRL Trends and Statistics Survey reports. Contact the library if you have questions or need the actual data for a given year.
Since 2019, Norwalk Librarians have...
Since 2019, Students, Faculty, and Staff have...
began lending in FY '21
The following data is from FY 2024, as reported on our ARCL Trends and Statistics Survey, except where otherwise noted.
As of FY 2024 the Library has...
as of FY '24
as of FY '24
manually counted in FY '24