Norwalk library would like to build and maintain the library's collection of resources to support the college teaching and learning needs of its academic community. It involves selecting, acquiring, organizing, and evaluating materials such as books, journals, databases, multimedia, and other resources.
Here are some key aspects and considerations in academic library collection development:
Baker Library is pleased to accept gifts of books, equipment, and other resources that support the mission of the library and complement its collections. Your thoughtful gift is much appreciated, and all gifts receive careful consideration by library staff. If you would like to make a donation, please submit a list of the available items, including the title, author, publication date, edition, and format (paperback, hardback, etc.). Library staff will assess which items are suitable for our collection.
Donated items must be in good to excellent condition. No damaged or moldy items will be accepted. Textbooks are accepted only if they support the college curriculum and are less than five years old. Bootleg or homemade copies are not accepted. Computer software, original or copied, is not accepted. Magazines and journals are accepted only if the library needs to fill in missing issues. Unsolicited items from publishers or trade vendors are accepted only if they are of academic quality and support the college’s curriculum and the library’s collection. The library will not return unsolicited items at the library’s expense.
If a donated item is accepted and added to the collection, donors will receive a receipt and a letter from the library director acknowledging their gift. The dollar value of the donated materials is not defined.
Gift materials are given to the library without condition. Baker Library reserves all rights to determine addition to the collection. If you have any questions about donating materials, please Contact the Library.
Baker Library retains only one copy of each title/edition, unless a specific need is known. Materials that are selected to be withdrawn from the collection must meet at least one of the following criteria:
The library director will meet with any person who wishes to make a formal request for removal of a specific item or materials from the library collection. If the individual wishes to pursue the challenge, the library director will request of said individual a formal letter indicating the reasons for the complaint. Upon receipt of the letter, the director will meet with the appropriate administrators for discussion. The library user may be asked to participate in the discussion, in order to seek resolution of the complaint.